Scans completed by Dr David Pyle
Built by Gen Z
by Michelle Hair
The very first thing you're probably thinking is, "that's no a very good 3D model, it's got holes!" And you would be right - it does have holes - which is exactly what we expected. Scanning this model was predicted to be problematic for a couple of different reasons, but in taking on the challenge we learned plenty.
The above result is the product of photogrammetry using a single camera to photograph the model which is then rendered through the software RealityCapture.
Throughout the process of scanning and rendering the model, a few different methods were used to try and achieve the best possible results. These images show the model through various stages, and the variety of issues presented. Although many of the models' original issues could be resolved through making improvements manually in 3D modelling software, the time required to do so outweighed the change in result.
What we expected:
[o] The 'glass' panes (clear or frosted plastic) to be problematic - The transparency of the glass was predicted to be an issue and it was.
[o] The pure white figure (and possibly sections of the bench) to not render properly - Due to the lack of recognisable imagery on the flat white surface, RealityCapture struggled to render sections of the figure.
What we didn't expect:
[o] The roof to be a problem - Surprisingly, the roof of the model was difficult to successfully model. From the original photography and render, divots in the roofs texture were not captured well enough. However, the attempt to 'pickup' this section at a later time was still unsuccessful. The roof had changed shape between sessions (likely due to the model being cardboard and therefore prone to moisture) and the lighting setup was different - these changes lead to the mesh of the model being misaligned and the result not matching the original. To solve this, the secondary photography session for 'pickup' should have been done as soon as possible following the initial render of the model.
[o] The roof to be problematic across different methods - With both photogrammetry (a reasonably simple method using one camera and software) and the Artec Space Spider (a very expensive 3D scanning tool) the roof was difficult to capture.